Expected School-wide Learning Outcomes
- The student displays growth mindset in their physical, mental, and spiritual endeavors.
- The student displays willingness to allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate the Fruits of the Spirit in their life.
- The student faces challenges and difficulties with perseverance.

The student is a self-directed learner.
The student displays work ethic in their practical experience.
The student actively participates in spreading the gospel.
Bible class
Church participation
TCI/community service
Event planning
The student is able to synthesize and communicate ideas in original ways.
The student is able to find unique solutions while respecting standards for safety and efficiency.
The student knows how to communicate evangelistic ideas in new and innovative ways.
The student strives to further his or her knowledge in preparation for future endeavors.
The student actively embraces all vocational experiences in search of your calling.
The student seeks to identify a personal skill or talent that can be used in ministering to others.
The student takes initiative in helping others in their learning process.
The student displays teamwork and collaboration to complete projects.
The student displays teamwork and compassion towards others to enhance the lives of
members of LBA and the larger community off campus.
All students will develop a missionary spirit:
Concerned for the needs of others above their own
Make wise choices in media, use of free time, lifestyle habits
Personal devotional time
Leads others in wise decision making
Leads others with humility, justice and mercy
Course description
This course covers the introduction of variables, constants, expressions, equations, and functions. The language of numbers is examined. Topics include solving equations, simplifying expressions, understanding order of operations, performing operations with positive and negative numbers, exploring polynomials, factoring, graphing (linear and quadratic equations), working with radicals, and expanding arithmetic knowledge.
This course is an extension of Algebra 1 which emphasizes polynomials, exponent manipulations, matrices, functions, and an introduction to trigonometry.
This course focuses on the New Testament, including the life of Jesus and the acts of the Apostles.
This course gives an overview of the Old Testament, focusing particularly on the Sanctuary and its importance to Adventist theology and the Old Testament prophecies.
This course focuses on the principle Biblical doctrines of the Adventist church through the study of Daniel and the Revelation.
This course covers the principles of Bible study, using the major writings of the Apostle Paul.
Biology is a laboratory course involving the study of living organisms. Basic functions of cells, genetics, a survey of the animal kingdom, theories of evolution and creation, and environmental issues are some of the areas that will be studied.
Chemistry is a laboratory course designed for students who plan to enter medical or otherwise science-related careers. It involves the study of matter, the way it behaves, and how our lives are affected by the use and misuse of chemicals. Emphasis will be given to learning chemical names and formulas; mechanisms of bonding between chemicals; writing, balancing, and using chemical equations to describe chemical activity; the study of states of matter, especially the gas laws; and an introduction to organic chemistry.
In this course, students will gain hands-on experience in MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It will further include an introduction to keyboarding. It will strive to meet the National Educational Technology Standards by providing experience in the aforementioned software while learning practical computer skills.
This course covers relationships between figures, figure measurements, and the classification of figures. Deductive and inductive reasoning are used to justify properties and theorems.
This course fulfills core standards for 9th grade English Language Arts. Instruction is given in grammar, mechanics, structure, and usage of the English language, as well as composition and textual analysis, paragraph development, elements of literature, and character development.
This course fulfills core standards for 10th grade English Language Arts. This course focuses on oral communication and public speaking, as well as rhetorical analysis. Advanced instruction is given in correct grammar and punctuation usage in preparation for technical and creative writing. It includes a survey of world literature and develops in students the ability to analyze and critique literature.
This course fulfills core standards for 11th grade English Language Arts. Instruction and literature will focus on further developing advanced writing techniques and on American literature.
An advanced course of writing is given covering the areas of analysis, research, comparison, exposition, and persuasion. Students are given instruction on writing styles for professional use. Literature is combined with vocabulary and writing in preparing the student for a working knowledge of English in higher education, the workplace, and the mission field. This class will also focus on skills needed for the preparation of the students’ senior exhibition.
This course covers problem-solving strategies in consumer-oriented situations dealing with budgets, checking and savings accounts, risk management, debt management, investments, mortgages, income taxes and deductions, and personal stewardship.
Physics is a laboratory course involving the study of the interactions of matter and energy. General topics include law of motion, application of forces, simple machines, light, electricity, magnetism, quantum theory, and nuclear physics. Special emphasis is placed on the understanding of the physical phenomena that a person encounters in everyday life.
This course is an extension of Algebra 2 which emphasizes polar graphing, trigonometric identities, decomposition of fractions, and an introduction to limits.
This course is an introduction to the background, origins, development, and operation of the government of the United States. Following an introduction to modern political philosophy, the course deals with political participation and the Constitution. Students explore the three branches of the Federal Government. A unit of civil liberties emphasizes First Amendment rights.
A survey course covering pre-colonial times to the present. Deals with ideas, trends, events, and leaders in political, military, social, cultural, and religious history. Considers the relevance of history to the present future. Recognizes the contributions of a wide variety of cultures in the American experience.
A survey of the past considering the origin and growth of Western Civilization and its place in the broader world. Special emphasis is placed on the origin and development of Christianity, and its role in shaping history.